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Funded Proposal Marketing w Safelists

A majority of the most successful online marketers generate their own exclusive leads. Many methods are employed to accomplish this including but certainly not limited to using other marketers opt-in lists. One method of utilizing another marketers opt-in lists is to use a safelists. A safelist is a group of individuals with similar interest that have agreed to receive e-mails from the other members in exchange for being able to send their message. SPAM is not an issue because all the receivers have opted in and agreed to receive those ads. This is a powerful lead generation tool when used properly.

Safe lists are abundant all across the Internet. Finding good safelist can be easily accomplished by searching for them on a search engine. Often times by joining one safelists you will be directed and learn of new safelists that you can join further spreading your marketing message.

This is very helpful top say the least. Membership options will exist within each safelist. Many membership levels exist in safelists i.e. pro, executive, bronze, silver, gold etc. Often times these level can either be purchased at a monthly level or at a discounted rate for yearly memberhips.

Let's look at each level separately. Free membership. This option is usually very limited as far as access and ability.

Free members may not be able to use HTML ads or save ads for future mailings. This can be a stickler if you rely on HTML graphics like banners or buttons to appeal to the readers. Mailings are normally limited to once a week and can only be sent to other free members. This can put a crimp on your campaign.

Paid membership (monthly or annually). This is the next level of safe list membership. These members are given the ability to use some HTML and save ads for future mailings.

The number of mailings you will be allowed to send will often times be dependent upon your membership level. Executive membership. Executive members have access to all the benefits of the list.

They can freely use HTML, save ads and possibly a few other perks that make the executive level attractive. These members can send their ads once a day to the entire membership. All members, free, paid and executive receive these ads.

Marketers that have an executive membership are pretty serious about their business and can be fairly responsive. A safe list can be a major source of generated leads. Since you are using a funded proposal, you have something to offer. This will appeal to the executive membership especially. The subject line is vital in grabbing your prospects attention.

Use an eye catching line right off and get the reader to open the ad. It is vital that after you have captured your prospects attention with your safelist ad that you drive your prospect to a website where you can capture their contact info i.e. name, and e-mail address.

Here is where a safe list is especially powerful. Since your prospect already knows you are a marketer, they expect a pitch. They also know what it is you are offering, so the lead you gather is targeted and specific. This gives you a straight line to a conversion IF you can capture the imagination and interest immediately. A couple of things to remember are to keep your lines at 60 characters each and be concise in your language.

Get to the point while holding the interest and move the lead along to clicking your link. They're already here so they are interested, right? By properly moving your subscribers to take the desired action your marketing efforts are designed to accomplish and providing great value along the way you will build a list of loyal subscribers that you will be able to mail your marketing message to on a frequent basis.

To read my free report "Top 4 Reasons People Fail in Online Marketing and What you can do to Avoid Failing Yourself Go Here => Jared Heinitz is a full time Affiliate & Network Marketer. Residing in Provo, UT his philosophy about building your MLM is to help those that want your help and don't waste your time with those that don't. Marketing his business through a funded proposal has made all the difference in his business. Jared teaches how to use free and inexpensive marketing methods to generate fresh free leads on a daily basis.

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